Monday, October 23, 2006

Hey, did I tell you that my new ICD fired up only 5 days after I got it put in? At the data dump* a couple days later, it showed my fibrillation at about 300 beats per minute, and the doc swears I wouldn't have been sitting there talking to him without this ICD. Odd, though, since the previous ICD had not fired in 2.5 years... We have to wonder a bit if the surgery perhaps acted in some sort of catalytic way to make things a bit worse, even while providing a fix for them.

*Data dump being more formally known as interrogation, carried out by means of telemetry.

It feels odd - not the big thwack in the chest I was expecting from the tests on the previous ICD, but instead just an odd electrical fizzy feeling, as though a small automobile fuse had shorted, and a few sparklies in front of my eyes. Very mild feeling, didn't knock me over, let alone out, but it was a real incident, the telemetry says so!

It may have fired again this past morning, I'm not sure; my next data dump isn't for another 2 months, and unless it fires repeatedly in a short period, one doesn't call the doctor for just one incident.

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